Herbalism & Herbs


Herbs & Herbalism

In days past women relied on simple wisdom, common sense, and pantries well-stocked with herbs to help their families with common ailments. With few exceptions, these herbal remedies were made from plants and herbs that grew in the kitchen garden or were gathered in fields and woods. People are again becoming aware of the importance of returning to the use of whole foods and healthy herbs in their lives. Here you can explore the natural world of plants & herbs to help you live a simpler and healthier life.

Does Any of this Sound Familar?

When wanting to learn about herbs, it can feel impossible to know where to begin. There are thousands of books and websites. There are even more herbs and preparations. How do you know where to start learning or which herb to use?

The Outdoor Apotheca eliminates the overwhelm and makes learning about herbs simple. We believe that everyone should have access to the beneficial herbs that grow around them. There is no need to buy expensive supplements when you already have a powerful apothecary in your own kitchen, garden, or even in your yard.

ways to use dandelion root

Easy Dandelion Root Tincture Recipe

This easy dandelion root tincture recipe is perfect for beginners. Can be used to support overall health and wellbeing as well as for liver, kidney, digestive, and gallbladder support.

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dandelion salve

Amazing DIY Dandelion Salve

Learn how to make this dandelion salve recipe using foraged dandelions! This homemade herbal salve is especially good for sore muscles, joints, and dry skin.

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Botany & Wildcrafting Course by Herbal Academy