celebrate spring

Celebrate Spring With Nature Activities For The Whole Family

Spring is in the air! It’s time to celebrate Spring, enjoy nature, and spend time with family. With so many things to do, it can be difficult to know where to start. This blog post will give you some ideas for celebrating spring, as well as a few activities that are perfect for enjoying the beautiful season with your loved ones.

celebrate springI love springtime because it lets me spend more time outdoors. I like to go on hikes with my husband and daughters, enjoy the trees and flowers blooming in the forest, forage for spring treats like dandelions, chickweed,  ramps, wild garlic mustard and trout lily. We usually bring a picnic lunch so we can have some snacks along the way. If we’re lucky, we’ll get to nibble on some of the tasty treats we find along the way.

I also like to take walks around town or along the river at sunset. It’s such an amazing feeling knowing that you’ve walked for thirty minutes and gained all this fresh air! If it’s not too cold out, I’ll sit outside under a tree and just enjoy the quiet of the evening.

celebrate springWhen I’m not outside, I like to make some time for creativity in my life!  I’ll turn on a podcast or audiobook (remember, I was a librarian before blogging full time) and work on creating something herbal or cooking up something homemade while enjoying my favorite beverage (tea).

Celebrate Spring With Activities For The Whole Family

family in the woods

Hopefully, some of these ideas inspire you to celebrate spring in ways you’ve never tried before and you have the most memorable spring season ever.

  1. Go on a nature walk and find different types of trees.
  2. Take the kids to an outdoor sculpture garden, or even just by your house if you live in a suburban area.
  3. Visit some local waterfalls for amazing views and fun photo ops.
  4. Look for new herbs to try out at the store or while you’re on a walk; they’ll be beginning their growing cycle soon so it’s an easy way to get started
  5. Try birdwatching! This is great because it can be done almost anywhere as long as there are birds nearby, which there always will be during springtime. You could also get more creative with this one by taking pictures of any other wildlife you see out in nature (like butterflies and squirrels). Or challenge yourself to spot ten species of plant life that flowers grow from when they bloom in the spring season!
  6. Create your own flower crown. This is a fun activity for all ages! You can do this at home, or on the go with some craft supplies and materials you have lying around.
  7. Find out what’s blooming nearby by using a simple Spring bloom checklist to check off flowers as you find them in nature.
  8. Go on a picnic. This is a great way to enjoy the outdoors and make memories with family or friends!
  9. Make a scavenger hunt for the kids and have them find nature items. Get a Free Printable Scavenger Hunt Here.
  10. Visit one of these local nature preserves that are dedicated to environmental conservation, preservation, education, and recreation:
  11. Plant a garden. Plant a container garden to bring the outdoors in. Head over to your local nursery or gardening store and pick up some plants for your new little plot of earth! Plant flowers, herbs, vegetables or fruit trees. *Don’t forget that you can also plant something edible–think strawberries, blueberries, blackberries etc!
  12. Plant herbs in containers on your deck or patio so they’re ready when you need them for cooking.
  13. Help your children collect leaves from trees near their school to take home and press into books as art projects or cards (the tree kind).
  14. Pick flowers from wildflowers growing nearby and bring them home.
  15. Create terrariums by planting succulents like cacti, bromeliads, and other desert plants.
  16. Find an outdoor seating area to enjoy lunch!
  17. Map out where all these different activities are happening near you so that everyone has an idea of what they could do when it comes time to celebrate Spring together as a family.
  18. Plan a Spring Celebration. Planning a spring celebration outdoors with family and friends is a great way to enjoy the season with those who matter most while enjoying nature. The first step is to pick your menu: Use fresh vegetables from local farms or farmer’s markets that are in season, like leeks, artichokes, asparagus, peas and kale. Seasonal fruits might also be available such as strawberries for a yummy fruit salad dish! Stay away from heavy foods; instead go with lighter dishes like fish done any style you prefer (such as pan-fried), grilled chicken, or vegetarian options if desired. Additions of herbs can help enhance flavor while keeping things light. This means rosemary braising garlic cloves right alongside them – adding lots of lemon zest and juice too!
celebrate spring

If you’re looking for ways to enjoy the outdoors and make the most of spring this year, we hope these activities have been helpful. But there are still so many more things that can be done in order to fully appreciate everything nature has to offer! What other tips or ideas do you have? Let us know below and maybe your idea will show up on our site soon too!

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