This is a tutorial on how to make a wreath that captures the essence of winter through the use of evergreen boughs, foraged plants, pine cones, and other natural elements.

A wreath is a symbol of hope and life, and it has become a tradition to hang one on the front door during the holiday season. The wreath represents a circle without end or beginning, much like the changing seasons or a wheel of the year.
In Christianity, it has become associated with advent celebrations, then later on with Christmas. The wreath is one of our oldest symbols that has endured many cultural phases through time. On the Winter Solstice (December 21st), the Sun reaches its lowest point in the sky, making this day the shortest day of the year. The Ancient Celts celebrated this special time with feasts, prayers, gift giving and the hanging of evergreen boughs on their doors. Here’s how to make a wreath with wild, foraged evergreens for your door.

The winter solstice is a momentous time of year—a time when we can feel the turning of the wheel, and celebrate the power of nature. The days are getting shorter, and the nights are growing longer. It’s cold outside, and we’re all feeling a little more introspective than usual.
I have a ritual that I do every year at this time: I make a holiday wreath to hang on my door. I make it using wild, foraged materials—such as pine boughs and evergreen branches, pine cones, holly berries, and other bits of nature tied together with ribbon or other seasonal adornments. But no matter what ingredients I use, my intention is always the same: to honor the cycle of seasons and acknowledge the power of nature.
Making this wreath is a simple ritual that helps me connect with these forces in a powerful way. Every time I see it hanging on my door, it reminds me of my connection to something greater than myself—something that transcends our everyday lives and reminds us who we really are underneath it all.
So, c’mon and celebrate the coming of a new season with a wreath you made yourself in a natural wild celebration. This isn’t just any DIY wreath-making tutorial; it’s a journey through the art of using gifts from nature to craft a symbol of hope and life.

HOW TO MAKE A WREATH: Wild & Foraged
If you’ve been wondering how to make a wreath step by step, look no further. A wild, foraged, evergreen wreath is far simpler than you can imagine—and it only takes a little creativity to stretch a basic wreath into a masterpiece. The method detailed below works anytime of year—it’s easy to adjust your ingredients for spring, summer, or autumn.
For your winter solstice wreath, you’ll start by collecting evergreen boughs, pine cones, leaves, dried grasses, berries, and other natural elements that correspond with the season. Leave room for decorative elements like ribbons, bows or dried orange slices. Take some time to consider what elements go together well as you imagine your wreath taking its final form.
- Foraged Vines (grape vines, honeysuckle, or other pliable foraged vines)
- Foraged Evergreens (my favorites are juniper, cedar, spruce, hemlock)
- Foraged Accent Greenery (twigs, dogwood, branches full of hawthorn or wintergreen berries, holly)
- Foraged Driftwood, deadwood, birch twigs, or any small branches that catch your eye.
- Foraged Accessories (pine cones, dead flower heads, dead grasses, dried herbs)
- Other Accessories (dehydrated orange slices, cinnamon or salt dough ornaments, ribbon)
- Pruning Sheers or Bonsai Scissors
- Floral Wire
- Craft Wire Snips
- Hot Glue Gun and Glue Sticks

Step 1)
Foraging for Materials: When learning how to make a wreath, there’s no need to buy materials! Here’s the fun part—go foraging for supplies. For a medium-sized (16-20”) wreath, you’ll need a large bag or basket full of greenery and cut into 6–12” lengths and some grapevine or other vines such as honeysuckle to create the wreath form.

Step 2)
Crafting the Frame: Shape the wreath frame using the foraged vines. Wrap the vines around themselves a few times, creating a circular shape in the desired size. Secure the ends with floral wire. If you don’t have access to vines, no worries! Store bought grapevine wreaths work just as well. You can alternatively use a wire wreath form, or a straw form if that’s what you have to work with.

Step 3)
Adding Greenery: Position one 12″ branch of cut greenery along the curve of the wreath frame. Fasten the branch to the frame by twist-tying 4″ long cuts of floral wire around the branch and vine.

Step 4)
Filling it In: Continue adding greenery along the frame, securing it with floral wire until it is full of greenery. I find it helpful to hang it up somewhere periodically and look at it from a distance. This better allows you to see how it’s taking shape and what areas need to be filled in or made more secure. Add as little or as much greenery as you’d like. There’s no right or wrong here, just use your own creativity and preferences.

Step 5)
Incorporating Accents: Add in accent greenery and other decorative accents such as sprigs of holly berries, dried orange slices, birch twigs, and pinecones. These can be added in here and there to your liking. Again, be creative and add items based on your own likes and what you have on hand. These can be secured by floral wire and/or hot glue.

Step 6)
Finishing Touches: Adorn your wreath with ribbons, burlap ribbons, bows, or simply leave it in its natural glory. A simple wire loop made with a piece of floral wire is all you need for hanging.

I hope this guide not only teaches you how to craft a gorgeous wreath but also inspires you to connect with nature and celebrate its timeless cycles. Your creation, be it a fall wreath, a Christmas decoration, or a gift, is more than an embellishment – it’s a testament to the beauty and resilience of the natural world.
So, grab your shears, twine, and glue gun, and let the inspiration of the Winter Solstice guide you in creating a beautiful, unique wreath. Remember, every sprig, every pinecone, and every twist of twine is a step closer to nature, a step towards embracing the ancient wisdom and knowledge of our ancestors.Hopefully, you enjoyed this article on how to make a wreath, and I hope that it inspired you to get out and forage some natural materials to make a wreath of your own!
If you enjoyed this tutorial on how to make a wreath using foraged materials, then you might enjoy some of our other articles on crafts made with natural materials. Here are a few of our most popular:
- Dried Orange Slices for Natural Homemade Ornaments
- Branch Weaving: Create a Unique & Whimsical Nature Craft in a Weekend
- Recipe for Cinnamon Ornaments: The Perfect Addition to an Old-Fashioned Holiday
- How to Make Salt Dough Ornaments or Gift Tags
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What do you do with pagan decorations that are made with natural materials once the sabbat is over?
We created a rosemary star on Yule and a dried lemon and orange garland for Litha but we can’t keep them around for long. My jnstict is to burn the decorations during the next sabbat. Or to burn the Yule decorations at Litha and vice versa
I often burn my winter solstice wreath once it has served its purpose. Burning natural decorations can be a meaningful way to release the old and welcome the new, symbolizing transformation and renewal. It’s also a beautiful way to complete the cycle, returning the materials to the earth and releasing their energy. Another option is to compost them, allowing them to nourish your garden and continue the cycle of life. You could also consider using some elements, like dried herbs, in simmer pots or other rituals. Ultimately, following your instinct and what feels right for you is key.